Sunday, March 6, 2011


dear blog,

yesterday, i felt so blessed but i hope i blessed God also. 

i thought i will not make it to the testimony time, but i guess God wants me to speak again for His greatness and faithfulness.

it was february 19, 2011, this is the day that i will never forget in my entire life. I felt God's presence for the very first time, though, i was not fully delivered i'm so blessed that God made me feel how it feels when He is around. The intensity, it makes me shiver. When he is around, you will feel like you are tired and your head will bow for His presence but you will never noticed that.

It is true, you are weak in body but strong in spirit. Why?

when you are in His presence, you are dead. You don't have the control in your body, you are insane. but the beauty in this is that, you talk to the Lord, what is more great than talking to the one who save your life?. 

i didn't know that time i am dancing with Him, He was my sweetest escort. I do not know what happened, what i just know is i'm out of control. I am crying out loud! and then He started to listen to me. Yes, everyday i'm longing for His comfort, it was the amazing part of my life.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

things happen when you come to Jesus Christ

he changes your past
your sins are all forgiven
Unto him that loved us, washed us from our sins in His own blood
revelations 1:5
your old nature is changed
therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new nature: old things are passed away; behold. all things are becoming new.
II corinthians 5:7
the power of Satan is broken
to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God.
Acts 26:18
your fear of death is removed
and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.
Hebrew 2:15

He enriches your present
he gives you peace and joy
and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
philippians 4:7
He helps You in every trouble
so do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will. strengthen you and help you.
Isaiah 41:10
you join the family of God
to all received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
John 1:12
you find purpose and meaning in life
i have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
john 10:10

He secures your future
all things work for your good
we all know that all things work together for good to them that love God.
romans 8:28
 He is preparing a home for you in heaven
in my father's house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
john 14:2
you need not fear death
though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil.
psalm 23:4
you will be cleared at the judgment
who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he condemns? Christ Jesus, who died - more than that, who was raised to life - is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
Romans 8:33-34     

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

why young couples get into fall out nowadays?

I see many lovers, holding hands while walking, holding their girlfriend’s shoulder or waist, and sometimes even kissing in public. When I see couples I talked to myself, why people who love each other has a tendency to hold each other’s hands or holding waists and shoulders?.  What if the guy get tired and seek some more, more than holding, more than kissing?
We know that a lot of young couples are now liberals in terms of dating, courting and even having sexual intercourse with their partner. We adopt the traditions and culture of western people, from our history, you can tell that I am right.
The days of courting girls’ parents were through, the days of just looking at each other were also through. We seek for more as the days’ passing by, we hold each other’s hands, kissing each other’s lips and sometimes when our partner asked us to make love, we tend not to say no because we believe that, “this guy loves me so much, that he cannot leave me alone”. But what if after that sexual intercourse, he will not carry the responsibilities? What will you do and say to your parents? You are not just having sins in your parents but also in God. the tendency of this make love is having a baby, remember satan is always working, that is why you are thinking that it is better to abort the child than to say these to your family. You are afraid that your family might hurt you. But always think, the anger of your family will pass as time goes. But the guilt and your conscience is always there, so it is better so say your mistakes than committing sins.
I know many people are looking for perfect girl or guy for them, but don’t look. In time, God will give him/her to you. And if you have a relationship now, let God be the center of your life.
Always remember, that God will not give you a partner who will not respect you as a woman, a guy who really loves you will just hold your hand and say “I want to be with you and take care of you forever”. Let God write your love story. He is the author of one true love.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

to my true friend madelene..

let me tell you this one, i have a friend whom i trusted so much, i have given her advices and shared some words of God. but one day i realized so many things, i became so much irritated to her every time she text-ed me. all the things that i said was so rude, i know she was hurt but i have to do that so that our relationship will stop at that time, i thought that when i did that, i will not become irritated to her but it did not happen. there was a time when i really missed her as a whole, i mean, her laughter and thoughts about her family. i guess that was they called "trial of friendship" because even i hurt her so much she still values our relationship. i was just thankful that she's understanding  more than i know.

i have so many friends that's so understanding but they left, but you you never left even if i forced you to leave me.
thanks for being such a good friend, i hope you will be able to read this. now i realized how precious are you.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


i think it was monday when i got busy, i've got a message from my "friend" she just said that she was so much excited to tell us something before her birthday. and yet i was really excited then. the next day she texted me that she has to leave the group so as the friendship, i don't really understand, she said "i hope you understand" but how can i understand if she didn't say anything?, i don't see anything wrong about me i mean i haven't done anything that will cause her pain.

so i was hoping that day that she should have not said goodbye at least we don't feel any hurt, i mean she could have go not telling us..

this time maybe God made me realize that "all people around you that you felt care for them and for you are not true, they are temporary, people tend to hurt you not because they love you but they love to hurt you", it was my idea to care for her, it was my intention to love her as i am...i think God told me that all on earth are made for me but not all can go with me. God made me realize that he's the only one who cares for me more than anyone.

hurting me isn't my loss, but your loss...i was just confused that i didn't share my thoughts about God and you. I hope one day someone will be sharing his or her knowledge about God, it's your thing if you will never recognize it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

the great commission

some people don't understand why we are very aggressive on sharing the word of God, here is my answer, this is the great commission of God to us, we always want to shout his name and word. maybe some of you think that we do it for our own good but it's not, we invest in account of heaven through serving God but here's the truth the reason why we want to win your soul is that we want to please God. we are not wasting time for nothing, although some people are hard-headed we still gave our best to share all that we know about Christ, it is our own decision to touch your soul but it is you who will choose...


think again, what i'm trying to say is that look at who you are now, is there anything unique in you?, do you feel the contentment and satisfaction with your friends?. YOU CAN FEEL HAPPINESS BUT NOT JOY.

who you are turning when no ones looking
your bestfriend now may betray you
your parents may not help you
but God once you called on him 
he will answer you
even though you break his heart
he will never turn away from you

who ever win the soul wins the mind

when i was young, i don't understand why they're all telling me that i should read the bible. i remember very vividly that time i was only 14 or 15 year old. My family is actually not all born again, they came from Catholics, i am just the only one who were dedicated as a christian. To those who are not familiar to dedication, may i informed you that dedication is like a birth baptism in roman catholics but the thing is we really don't accept water birth baptism, why? actually, it is written in the bible that when Jesus Christ was born he was not BAPTIZED but he was actually dedicated to God. when you read the bible, there are lot of things that you will realized from your belief.

as we go on, 18 years after i met Christ thru the Holy Spirit. it was not self-gained but i just listening to the meaning of the music, of course i was thankful to the ones who invited me to the camp. what is the feeling when Holy Spirit is in you?, i can't say the word but i just felt like all the joy in the world is within me, all the happiness . Because when you are with Christ and he is in you, you can't explain how you feel too much to feel. i still remember my spiritual birth. YOU did you know when is your spiritual birth?.

one of the teachings in Christians is not to touch lives but win their soul and minds, isn't it great that when the God comes we're all rejoicing with him?. do not waste your time on things that are futile instead, do a thing that bring glory to the Lord.