Sunday, March 6, 2011


dear blog,

yesterday, i felt so blessed but i hope i blessed God also. 

i thought i will not make it to the testimony time, but i guess God wants me to speak again for His greatness and faithfulness.

it was february 19, 2011, this is the day that i will never forget in my entire life. I felt God's presence for the very first time, though, i was not fully delivered i'm so blessed that God made me feel how it feels when He is around. The intensity, it makes me shiver. When he is around, you will feel like you are tired and your head will bow for His presence but you will never noticed that.

It is true, you are weak in body but strong in spirit. Why?

when you are in His presence, you are dead. You don't have the control in your body, you are insane. but the beauty in this is that, you talk to the Lord, what is more great than talking to the one who save your life?. 

i didn't know that time i am dancing with Him, He was my sweetest escort. I do not know what happened, what i just know is i'm out of control. I am crying out loud! and then He started to listen to me. Yes, everyday i'm longing for His comfort, it was the amazing part of my life.